Total Raised - $3271

Monday, June 13, 2011

Desert Daze

The best part about the desert is the time it gives me to think, about important matters and more trivial ones. Yesterday, I spent the better part of two hours trying to come up with a name for my bike. I'll let you categorize that one. I must have been in the middle of a very deep thought somewhere west of Tuscon, because I missed the exit for Highway 8, my route to San Diego, by about 30 miles. When I stopped seeing signs for it, I finally took the exit for Riggs Rd (you always stick with the familiar) and pulled off into a middle-of-nowhere town to figure out my new route. The workaround path would take me past the town of Maricopa, down 40 miles of State Route 238, back to the interstate. When I hit State Route 238, I was almost glad I'd missed the exit, because it was a stunning drive, with dips and curves, a a railroad on the left and 20 foot tall cacti on the right. I didn't get to enjoy the view, though, because I had more pressing matters at hand: my fuel light had come on, and the next gas station was likely at the end of 238. For 30 some twisty miles, I prayed, pleaded and bargained with Becky/Eve/Kelly/Holly/Roxy to keep going, for just a couple more miles. With every mile marker, my chant would adjust: just 12 more miles, just 12 more miles... just 11 more... Sure enough, my faithful steed conquered every foot, and delivered me safely to the service station, where I've never been happier to pay more than 4 dollars for gas.

I've seen some great views so far, but the approach to San Diego was, hands down, the most gorgeous stretch of road I have yet to see. The road rises out of the sand dunes, and begins a steep, gently winding ascent into the mountains, entering into amazing canyons of piled boulders. The wind is fierce and gusty, and makes for some disconcerting riding as it pushes the bike toward the guardrail-less canyon edge, but the spectacular views are totally worth it. I stopped at Devil's Canyon #2 to take some pictures...

When I got to the San Diego area, Stacy's cousin Brendan and his wife Meredith took me for a tour of San Diego's beaches, where we got amazing fish tacos.  Of course I didn't bring my camera. They were nice enough to take me out to dinner, too, for some absolutely phenomenal Mexican food (and another fish taco) before putting me up for the night in their house. Thanks guys!

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Motorcycling for Ovarian Cancer Awareness

This summer, I’m riding my Harley across the country and back in 16 days. I’ll be stopping at firehouses along the way to promote awareness about ovarian cancer, because everyone should know the symptoms. While the fire department is a field dominated by men, we have mothers, wives, daughters, girlfriends, and sisters.

I’m asking you to support my journey by donating to the HERA Women's Cancer Foundation. My goal is to raise $6000 for HERA’s mission, a dollar for every mile I ride. They have set up a webpage for me where you can make a tax-deductible donation. HERA is not supporting my journey financially. All of the proceeds that HERA receives will go directly towards their mission. Through a combination of corporate sponsorship and my own funds, I will cover the expenses associated with my journey.

To find out more about HERA and their efforts to stop the loss of women from ovarian cancer, visit their website,
