Total Raised - $3271

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Salt Lake City and into Wyoming

I'm a few days behind, again, so a quick recap of my last few stops:

In Salt Lake City, I bunked at Engine 1, where backsteppers Mike and Amy were enjoying one of their last shifts on the unit, as they were being transferred to a slower house to make room for paramedics. Or was it Hazmat techs? I can't remember now...

Anyway, they took me for a tour of the city and showed me the one redeeming factor of their future house: the view.

 According to Capt. George, the ski resorts still have 16 feet of snow, and are going to stay open until July 24th. That's right, July.

I guess that should've been a warning about the upcoming weather. When I left in the morning, it was freezing cold. In fact, I shivered the entire way to Cheyenne. It sucked.

Photos from Wyoming and Nebraska upcoming, I'm on my way to Iowa City now...

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Motorcycling for Ovarian Cancer Awareness

This summer, I’m riding my Harley across the country and back in 16 days. I’ll be stopping at firehouses along the way to promote awareness about ovarian cancer, because everyone should know the symptoms. While the fire department is a field dominated by men, we have mothers, wives, daughters, girlfriends, and sisters.

I’m asking you to support my journey by donating to the HERA Women's Cancer Foundation. My goal is to raise $6000 for HERA’s mission, a dollar for every mile I ride. They have set up a webpage for me where you can make a tax-deductible donation. HERA is not supporting my journey financially. All of the proceeds that HERA receives will go directly towards their mission. Through a combination of corporate sponsorship and my own funds, I will cover the expenses associated with my journey.

To find out more about HERA and their efforts to stop the loss of women from ovarian cancer, visit their website,
